Inspect These Areas Of Your Roof Before Winter

Don’t forget to inspect your roof before the winter weather arrives!

Dealing With A Dryer Vent Mold Problem?

Dont’ wait on repairs! Mold can lead to rot and decay.

How A New Roof Vent Boot Benefits Your Home

Safe? Check. Easy? Check. Good for your roof? Check! Read more about the Kozy Kollar here.

Over Shingle Flashing: Changing the Future One Roof At A Time

Roof flashing is generally a thin sheet of metal used to divert water away from seams and joints on your roof. Without flashing, water can sit, becoming a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Once moisture settles, homeowners can also face costly repair needs as structural rot can then occur. Regardless, flashing can be a […]

What Is Metal Roof Flashing?

Flashing is both a method and a device used for keeping water from entering your home. Although flashing can be made from a variety of products, metal is the most common.  Providing flexibility and durability, metal roof flashing is your home’s safest defense against water penetration.  Typically installed at intersecting roofing, Kozy Kollar has created […]

The Dangers of Household Mold

Finding mold in your home can be unsettling. Even if you’re doing everything right and keeping your home clean, it can still find its way in through cracks and crevices. Installing an exhaust hood in your home creates a watertight seal, and prevents your home from becoming stagnant – an environment where mold thrives. In […]

Dangers of Traditional Roof Flashing Installation  

Traditionally, issues with roof ventilation had to be handled from the roof. Makes sense, right? But with this comes it’s own concerns. At Kozy Kollar, we’ve redefined what it takes to accomplish a successful roof flashing installation.   Careful on the Ladder! Traditionally, the first step to installing a roof flashing system would be to […]

Installing Vent Flashing Over Shingles

Installing vent flashing could be stressful for a multitude of reasons. For one, the reason you’re even thinking about installing it is probably because you’re worried about your roof leaking. Or maybe it already has leaked, which is even worse! You want to get the problem under control as soon as possible, and part one […]

Three Ways to Prevent Bathroom Mold

Even if you’re the tidiest person in all the land, there is still a pretty good chance you have a small amount of mold in your bathroom. Mold thrives in damp atmospheres – and what’s damper than a bathroom after a long, hot shower? There are steps you can take, however, to reduce the chance […]

Why Do We Make Our Products in the USA?

All our products get made in America. Manufacturing in the U.S. provides a lot of benefits to our customers and us. Take a look at why making roof flashing in the USA is important, and why you should care. American-made means quality. There are high quality and safety standards in place at US manufacturing plants […]