Installing Vent Flashing Over Shingles

Installing vent flashing could be stressful for a multitude of reasons. For one, the reason you’re even thinking about installing it is probably because you’re worried about your roof leaking. Or maybe it already has leaked, which is even worse! You want to get the problem under control as soon as possible, and part one […]

Three Ways to Prevent Bathroom Mold

Even if you’re the tidiest person in all the land, there is still a pretty good chance you have a small amount of mold in your bathroom. Mold thrives in damp atmospheres – and what’s damper than a bathroom after a long, hot shower? There are steps you can take, however, to reduce the chance […]

Four Signs That You Need A Roof Vent Boot

As a homeowner, it is crucial that you take the time to assess its condition now and then to ensure that it’s livable. While you can’t do everything, it’s vital that you at least know when you need to call professionals. For example, you may not know how to get a roof installed or work […]

Why Do We Make Our Products in the USA?

All our products get made in America. Manufacturing in the U.S. provides a lot of benefits to our customers and us. Take a look at why making roof flashing in the USA is important, and why you should care. American-made means quality. There are high quality and safety standards in place at US manufacturing plants […]

Why Does Your Bathroom Need Venting?

When you’re building or renovating your home, you might be looking for ways to cut costs. Does your bathroom really need a vent? The answer is a definite yes—take a look at why installing a bathroom vent is essential. In general, bathrooms are very humid rooms. Hot showers and constant running water mean the room […]

The Challenges of Installing Roof Flashing Outside

It’s a huge pain to install roof flashing. Mostly because it involves you making the laborious trek up to your roof. In the winter, this can feel like you’re hiking Mt. Everest, and in the summer you might sweat puddles onto your shingles. It’s probably always been easier and less dangerous to hire a contractor […]

Kozy Kollar: Roof Flashing Without the Stress

Let’s face it. Roofing and all manner of roof work is something no one looks forward to. However, the plain fact is that every property owner has got to come to terms with roof work at some time or another. A damaged roof is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to potential […]

5 Reasons You Need Our Roof Flashing

As a homeowner, you should take great pride in the overall well being of your home. Now, there is a lot of work that goes in to being a homeowner, but some projects are simply more important than others. For example, a problem roof has got to take precedent over getting that new, above ground […]

Roof Flashing and Other Areas to Inspect on Your Roof

At Kozy Kollar, we know how important a home’s roof is to the overall well being of your home. This is why we developed our one of a kind roof flashing; to help homeowners ensure that their homes are effectively protected by nature’s often harsh elements. With our roof flashing, you can avoid having to […]

Cheaper, More Effective Roof Flashing

At Kozy Kollar, we know that our one of a kind roof vent boot provides the most effective and safest roof flashing available. Not only do you not have to risk your life climbing onto a treacherous roof, but you also save a great deal of money when choosing to use our product as opposed […]