The Safest Roof Flashing Around

When it comes to your home’s roof, there’s one task of the utmost importance. That task, is keeping water from penetrating through the shingles, and eventually into your home itself. Roof flashing is one of the best solutions to accomplish this task. After all, we’ve all heard the cliché about “keeping a roof over your head.”

This statement rings true when concerning the overall maintenance of your roof and home. Roof flashing is the most common form of keeping the corners and crevices of your roof as airtight as possible. Assisting in keeping nature’s elements from penetrating your roof, roof flashing comes in handy year-round.

Another problematic aspect of weather conditions is the environment it creates when working on a roof. From ice and slippery rain, your roof can be a dangerous place to be! Traditionally, roof flashing is a job that requires installation from the exterior of the roof to be effective, leaving room for any number of safety hazards. With traditional roof flashing, you’ll need expensive extension ladders, safety equipment, and may even require OSHA permits to do the job correctly.


Avoiding the potentially dangerous terrain you call your roof

As any roofer will tell you, falling off of a roof can be your worst nightmare. With that in mind, our team at Kozy Kollar, has innovated a solution that allows you to easily install airtight roof flashing from inside your home.

Forget dealing with rainy or icy roof conditions when undergoing roof flashing installation. Furthermore, you can also forget about needing ladders, safety equipment, staple guns, tin snips, and caulking. The Kozy Kollar unit creates an airtight surface on the troublesome areas with far less frustration, danger, costs, and labor. Our product comes in 2”, 3”, and 4” sizes for any of your roof flashing needs. Easily installed from inside your home, the safety benefits keep piling up! Even better, the installation only requires one man to complete in a mere ten minutes.


For more information on ordering this innovative product that will save you time and money with your safety at the forefront, contact our team at Kozy Kollar (603)-598-1192.