Have You Fallen Victim to Attic Mold? Call Kozy Collar!

Have you recently discovered mold hiding in the dark, wet corners of your attic? You probably have plenty of questions as to how the mold got there in the first place. Our team at Kozy Kollar is here to lend a helping hand during this challenging time with knowledge and assistance to your issue.    […]

Signs of Attic Mold & How You Can Prevent It

Here are a few things to look out for if your roof isn’t properly ventilated.

Repair Your Roof In the Winter with Roof Flashing

Here is a look into the only roof flashing that can be installed in any weather condition

How to Solve Your Bathroom Vent Mold Problem

Here are a few tips for how to keep mold out of your bathroom.

Inspect These Areas Of Your Roof Before Winter

Don’t forget to inspect your roof before the winter weather arrives!

Dealing With A Dryer Vent Mold Problem?

Dont’ wait on repairs! Mold can lead to rot and decay.

How A New Roof Vent Boot Benefits Your Home

Safe? Check. Easy? Check. Good for your roof? Check! Read more about the Kozy Kollar here.

Metal Roof Flashing: Back To Basics

Metal roof flashing – everything you ever wanted to know is here in this article.

Radon Vent Flashing: A Better Alternative

Radon is colorless, odorless, disperses rapidly and can be deadly. Here’s how our team can help keep your home safe.

Over Shingle Flashing: Changing the Future One Roof At A Time

Roof flashing is generally a thin sheet of metal used to divert water away from seams and joints on your roof. Without flashing, water can sit, becoming a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Once moisture settles, homeowners can also face costly repair needs as structural rot can then occur. Regardless, flashing can be a […]