How to Clean Out Your Dryer Vent Quickly and Efficiently
Check out these tips on how to clean your dryer vent efficiently.
Deal with Summer Humidity with a New Bathroom Vent
Do you struggle to keep your bathroom dry throughout the humid summer? Here’s how a new bathroom vent can improve your home.
Is It Time to Replace Your Bathroom Exhaust?
If you’ve been experiencing excess moisture, odors, or even mold growth in your bathroom, it’s time to consider upgrading your bathroom exhaust vent.
4 Health Concerns of Attic Mold: What You Need to Know
Have you been exposed to mold in your home? We’re discussing these four common health issues that are associated with exposure to mold.
Should You Replace Your Plumbing Vent Boot?
Your plumbing vent boot is an essential part of your home’s plumbing systems. Here’s how to tell if something is wrong with it.
What Is Pipe Flashing and Why Is It Important?
There are multiple systems and appliances that vent to the exterior of your home. Whenever a pipe or vent runs to the outside of your home, leaks become an issue that you need to guard against.
Signs of Attic Mold & How You Can Prevent It
Here are a few things to look out for if your roof isn’t properly ventilated.
Roof Vent Boot 101: Everything You Need to Know
Spring has arrived, and many homeowners are spending more time at home than ever before. Thus, it’s a perfect time to discover if you need new roof flashing. With the snow melted and what seems like endless days of rain, homeowners can accurately check for water seepage in the attic. However, instead of climbing on […]
Oh No! I Have Mold in My Attic! What Do I Do Now?
Nobody likes mold, especially when we find it growing in our houses. If you have discovered that you have attic mold, you probably have a ton of questions running through your head. What Causes Mold in the Attic? Several things can cause attic mold. You could have a roof leak; your attic could have improper […]
The Dangers of Household Mold
Finding mold in your home can be unsettling. Even if you’re doing everything right and keeping your home clean, it can still find its way in through cracks and crevices. Installing an exhaust hood in your home creates a watertight seal, and prevents your home from becoming stagnant – an environment where mold thrives. In […]